Friday 18 September 2009


Wow...... what a game,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I found myself slightly barracking for the doggies - but at the same time its no tragedy to see the Saints go to the GF - They thoroughly deserve it.....the doggies deserved it to but not quite as much..... its just sad there has to be a loser...... Riewoldt was the difference - no surprises there............. Australian football is the most thrilling game in the world......... how anyone can enjoy watching a NIL all draw in soccer is beyond me........its also very frustrating which is why soccer is probably so violent fan wise...............

Friday 4 September 2009

Hong Kong recalls gold reserves

The Chinese get it.............. do you?

Chinese government urges citizens :BUY GOLD AND SILVER!

If you don't own any gold or silver yet............ you better get some soon.... in your pocket..... the governments of the world are debasing the value of paper money........ own it baby..

Wednesday 2 September 2009



Tuesday 25 August 2009

A black day..........

I have always been the black sheep of the family........... and I think I will go out of my way to use these phrases from now on.......... just to piss off these sick freaks at the human rights commission............

Friday 21 August 2009

Vaccines cause brain damage........

Vaccinations are very neurotoxic and have been associated with many neurological disorders, like encephalopathies, epilepsy, convulsions, ADD, LD, autism, mental retardation, depression, anxiety, CNS disorders, paralysis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, nerve deafness, blindness and SIDS.

Read more........

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Does Vaccine increase the risk of Cancer?

There are too many question marks around vaccines for me. I think that if your healthy and eat well you should be OK. I have done a lot of research and found a lot of problems with vaccines. For one example, Gulf War Syndrome was probably caused by a Vaccine. And now this..................

Monday 17 August 2009


For 2 years a man was having an affair with an Italian woman.

One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child. If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support until the child turned 18.

She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born. To keep it discreet, he told her to simply mail him a postcard, and write "Spaghetti" on the back. He would then arrange for the child support payments to begin.

One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife.

"Honey!" she said, "You received a very strange post card today."

"Oh, just give it to me and I'll explain it later," he said. The wife obeyed and watched as her husband read the card, turned white, and fainted.

On the card was written:

Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.

Three with meatballs, two without.

Send extra sauce.

Tamiflu does more harm than good

Most people don't get that the government treats the general public with total contempt... the government just don't believe the general public has the 'intellectual lightbulbs' to understand important issues....... who knows? Maybe they're right..

Eating Healthy now bad for you.......

Let me get this straight. Taking care of your diet by eating healthy foods and avoiding eating pesticides is bad for you. OK. I will take a double cheeseburger and coke with a healthy topping of pesticide please. Sounds healthy to me.

Personally I think I will stick my organic food diet, and when I go out to eat I will try to order the healthiest thing on the menu. For example, at Dunkin Donuts, I order the chamomile tea in a ceramic cup. I haven't lost any friends over this yet.

Anyone who is sucked in by this propaganda is a MORON. There. I said it.,27574,25940884-5000540,00.html

Saturday 15 August 2009

Say no to the Vaccine!

This is very interesting................ I have often seen Asian emoticons and never really understood them... I often had to ask my asian friend who sent the emoticon "what does this mean?" .............. they seemed very strange to me as a westerner.......... Now I know why!

Friday 14 August 2009

Dentists can vaccinate?

AS my sister is a dentist, I know how easily controlled these people can be........just because somebody is intelligent doesn't mean that they can't be easily mentally manipulated by the power elite....... say no to the vaccine..........

Buy Sugar...........

I just got back from one weeks vacation............ thats why I haven't done any postings..............

Jim Rogers still likes Sugar...........

AUGUST 13, 2009

"Sugar Has A Wonderful Future"

“Sugar is certainly going to go much, much higher during the course of the bull market. Sugar is still 70% below its all-time high, and not many things in life are 70% below what they were in 1974. Sugar has a wonderful future.”

Thursday 30 July 2009

**SHOCK**....Marc Faber on Hyperinflation........

Better listen to him......... he knows what he is talking about....... stock up on gold and silver (I prefer silver right now as its so dirt cheap)

JULY 30, 2009

"I am 100% Sure That The US Will Go Into Hyperinflation"

“I am 100 per cent sure the US will go into hyperinflation. Buy a US$100 bond and frame it to teach your children about inflation by watching the US bond value diminish to almost nothing over the next 20 years." Marc Faber

Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions of the stock market and futures markets around the world. Dr. Doom also trades currencies and commodity futures like Gold and Oil.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Should you drink from Plastic Bottles?

I don't think so................... I try to avoid it where I can............ there is no question water kept in plastic bottles for any length of time contains chemicals that leak into the water from the plastic............. no need to be paranoid, but I keep plastic to a minimum. All of my water comes from water filters and I store water in glass bottles. Same as my grocery shopping. I always buy the organics and my milk and juice either comes from glass or cardboard containers.......... My cleaning products and toiletries I try to buy from an Aussie company called Natures Organics. Instead of harsh toxic chemicals to clean your bathroom, try some of Natures Organics Eucalptus Cleaner...... It's great... (no they ain't payin me ! :))

Ben Bernanke vs Peter Schiff........

Its amazing to me as a layman that so many people who are far more intelligent than I will ever be can be so so so blind. Blind as a bat. Blind as a man who has had his eyes removed and is locked inside a box at the bottom of a mine 3 km underground with no lights on........These smart people listen to Ben Shalom Bernanke

I am a big fan of the "Peter Schiff was right" video on youtube and now the antithesis of that video "Ben Bernanke was wrong". There are two camps........ Either Bernanke is stupid or a liar............... I am in the liar camp


Monday 27 July 2009

I Believe in Change................

Especially when Goldman Sachs pays me a millions bucks. In that case they can get whatever change they want...... ;)

University of California$1,564,490 Goldman Sachs $994,795 Harvard University$854,017 Microsoft Corp$833,617 Google Inc$803,436 Citigroup Inc$699,790 JPMorgan Chase & Co$695,132 Time Warner$589,334 Sidley Austin LLP$588,598 Stanford University$586,557 National Amusements Inc$550,683 UBS AG$543,219 Wilmerhale Llp$542,618 Skadden, Arps et al$530,839 IBM Corp$527,572 Columbia University$526,802 Morgan Stanley$514,881 General Electric$499,130 Latham & Watkins$493,835 US Government$491,420

Hank Paulson... would you buy a used car from this man?

Cliff Stearns bags Hank Paulson................... These guys are shockers........... I can't belive there isn't more outrage about the theft of billions of dollars......... imagine someone broke into your home and stole 100$
now 1000$
now 10,000$
how about 1,000,000,000,000 dollars?

Sunday 26 July 2009

My personal stimulus package

What a freakin joke peoples............... how does spending money create any kind of wealth? This is my own ridiculous parody of what I consider a ridiculous government announcement..........

BJ announces massive economic stimulus package

BJ today announced a massive economic stimulus package aimed at kickstarting his economy. The measures were announced today at a press conference attended by almost nobody, actually nobody.

BJ will procure several credit cards with a combined value of around 50,000 Australian dollars. The credit cards would 'strike a balance' between supporting grocery purchases and critical house furnishing projects, BJ said this morning.

Despite concerns by some that this would increase BJ's debt to unmanageable levels, BJ said that the measures were necessary to counteract the global economic crisis. BJ's spending has decreased since the onset of the financial crisis, and BJ says the stimulus package is necessary to reinvigorate his spending.

It is imperative that I respond with a fresh stimulus package, BJ said.

“There is no doubt that in the past couple of months a dramatic collapse in global demand, caused by the global recession, has had a dramatic impact on economies right around the world,” BJ said.

“That has made it imperative for me to respond and respond in a timely and decisive way.”


The Stimulus Worked!

Since the credit card stimulus package was passed, BJ's economy has grown considerably. Much more groceries and consumer goods have come into the BJ economy.

This shows the stimulus was a total success and anybody who disagreed with it was unpatriotic, dangerous and irresponsible.

BJ has a policy of "roadmap to surplus" and expects to be back in surplus by 2014.

Buy Sugar and Silver?

Jim Rogers must know what he is talking about, and he is saying to buy sugar and silver..... Silver is amazingly cheap last time I checked its around 17Aussie dollars/ ounce. Contrast that with around 1100 Australian dollars an ounce for gold and you have the makings of a bargain. It's certainly hard to imagine it going much lower..........